ReluxDesktop – Online update
Learn how to allow for automatic online update and manually update packages.
Updating (manufacturers) packages
Once the installation has been successfully completed, you can start ReluxDesktop for the first time.
We recommend that you now update ReluxDesktop and the manufacturer databases that have been installed via the menu option Help > Online Update.
Note: Your PC needs to be connected to the internet to do this.
The update manager will start, and you can specify whether ReluxDesktop should look for updates on a regular basis.
We recommend you to leave this option switched on, with a time interval of two weeks.
You will then always be able to work with the latest program and database versions.
Click on the Check now button and ReluxDesktop will look for updates.
The Select packages window will open, showing you all the updates that are available for your Relux Installation.
You can select each item individually for the update in order to keep down the size of the download.
From the Select packages window, you can download the files that you have selected by clicking on the Update button.
If ReluxDesktop is still open, it will then be closed.
If there are projects that have not been saved, you will be prompted to save these before the update is started
Once the installation has been successfully completed, you can start ReluxDesktop for the first time.
We recommend that you now update ReluxDesktop and the manufacturer databases that have been installed via the menu option Help > Online Update.
Note: Your PC needs to be connected to the internet to do this.
The update manager will start, and you can specify whether ReluxDesktop should look for updates on a regular basis.
We recommend you to leave this option switched on, with a time interval of two weeks.
You will then always be able to work with the latest program and database versions.

Click on the Check now button and ReluxDesktop will look for updates.

The Select packages window will open, showing you all the updates that are available for your Relux Installation.
You can select each item individually for the update in order to keep down the size of the download.
From the Select packages window, you can download the files that you have selected by clicking on the Update button.
If ReluxDesktop is still open, it will then be closed.
If there are projects that have not been saved, you will be prompted to save these before the update is started
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