ReluxNet ® – the search engine for luminaires and sensors

Leading international manufacturers make over one million product versions and items of measurement data available on this online platform. The product data are also ported, in parallel, into additional data formats so that the users, can work with them in other applications too.

ReluxNet database

What does ReluxNet offer?

Lighting planners will find a large number of luminaires and sensors in the large database, which are made available by Relux members on the ReluxNet database for planning purposes.

The database provides you with a large selection of file formats.: ROLFz, rfa (Revit), dwg (AutoCAD), ldt (Eulum), ies (IES)

ReluxNet can also do a great deal more
● Compare products and save your favourites!

● Enter your own products! Make the online database into your day-to-day work tool – data cannot be more up-to-date than this!

The functions and options of ReluxNet simply explained