ReluxDesktop 2020.2 is now available for download

Relux Desktop 2020.2


Dear Users,

New and exciting features await you in the new RELUXDesktop 2020.2 version. Download the new version here and enjoy carrying out your planning: 

Have fun with your planning work!

Your RELUX Team

Universal pseudocolour palette

So far, the reference values of pseudocolours in Relux have been dependent on the calculation result. This has meant that illuminances could only be determined from the colours in conjunction with the legend. This can lead to misinterpretations in planning where major differences in illuminance are involved, especially when planning is performed by those without specialist knowledge. 

We have revised this concept and developed universal pseudocolours to cover the entire value range. It is then immediately evident from the colour just how high the illuminance or luminance is. The pseudocolour scale is uniform throughout all the different views and outputs, thus permitting direct comparisons and analyses. 

The colours, values and the scope of the display can, of course, be changed. The new Reset button which restores the original state is highly practical. 


Limit value tool

This new tool can be used to display and output a specific value in pseudocolours or as a line.  The value can also be a freely adjustable interval or tolerance. This makes it possible to display a specific value in addition to the universal pseudocolours. 


Calculation values in a 3D view

Simple and effective: calculation values can now be displayed directly in the 2D and 3D views. This helps to find individual values and to better understand average values – particularly in the case of large areas. The uniformity and the average value are also displayed directly on the calculation surface. 


Batch calculation and optimisation of roads

These new batch functions make sense particularly when a large number of roads are being processed in a project. All the roads are calculated or optimised with a single click. 

Race track grid as per the standard

The race track grid now has the correct radial design as specified in the sports facilities standard EN 12193:2018. It can be set to rectangular again if required by pressing a switch.

PDF import extension

The PDF import function of the last Relux version has been extended by a new module that directly rewrites vectors to vectors. Users have to specify here whether they wish to import a PDF with vector content, such as from a CAD export, or a PDF with pixel content, such as from images or scans. With the older converter, the pixel content is converted into a large number of polylines. With the new converter, the vector content is now converted into vectors that can be more readily processed in Relux and are drawn more accurately. In both cases, the converted DXF is placed next to the PDF. 

The PDF import can be accessed via the CAD import or by starting with the CAD plan. Simply select a PDF instead of a DWG or DXF.

DGP calculation as per the daylight standard (tbd)

The new European daylight standard EN 17037:2018 introduced a glare index for daylight – the Daylight Glare Probability (DGP). Relux is proud to provide a DGP observer that can calculate and output this value. This makes it possible to calculate the daylight glare through windows in interior rooms. 

Geolocation no longer experimental

The geolocation function has proven its worth and is being added to Relux as a full function. The usage limit per user per month is being increased from 60 to 200 to permit more use of this map support. 

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