
Lighting Agreement


Lighting Agreement: electricity consumption for lighting to be halved by 2025

With the signing of an agreement, eminent players in the lighting industry are intending to halve electricity consumption for lighting by 2025.

At the European Lighting Congress in Davos, twelve organisations, associations and companies from the lighting industry signed an agreement to reduce the amount of electricity used for lighting. With the agreement of 11 September 2018, the signatories undertake to halve the share of Switzerland's overall electricity consumption accounted for by lighting from its current 12 percent to 6 percent by 2025. 

In 2017, around 7 TWh electricity was consumed for lighting in Switzerland. Savings of 3.5 TWh electricity correspond to roughly the annual output of Beznau 2 nuclear power station and should be attainable without any loss of comfort for consumers.

The lighting industry is convinced that it can achieve this substantial contribution through new technologies, intelligent lighting planning, modern control systems, targeted information and further training. The aim of the initiative launched by the Swiss Lighting Society SLG and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) is to make a key contribution to the implementation of the Energy Strategy 2050. The close cooperation between the Confederation and the private sector constitutes a promising approach.

RELUX Informatik AG

Since 1998, the planning aids developed by the Relux company have been a benchmark for the standard-compliant planning of artificial light and daylight, for interior and outdoor projects, and for roads and sports grounds.

On our initiative, the sensNORM association was founded with the aim of developing uniform measurement and simulation methods for sensors.

Now that lighting and sensors have been coupled, further energy savings can be planned and verified.

The software for lighting and sensor planning is available as a desktop version, a single-user version or as an add-on for BIM programs. The program has so far been installed more than 310,000 times worldwide.

The partners to the Lighting Agreement:

  • Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
  • SLG Swiss Lighting Society 
  • fvb Professional Association of the Lighting Industry
  • Sens Norm
  • Minergie
  • Otto Fischer
  • RELUX Informatik AG
  • S.A.F.E. Swiss Agency for Energy Efficiency
  • ABTIE Association des Bureaux Techniques d’Ingénieurs en Electricité
  • Elektro-Material AG
  • IKEA

 (Pictures: INOVERIS)

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