RELUX Software

Explore our product range of diverse add-ons and plug-ins, each designed for your specific needs.

For lighting planning

ReluxDesktop  Free base software

Professional software for Standard-compliant planning and simulation of artificial light, daylight and sensors in real time.


ReluxThirdParty  Add-on

Plan with non-member products.


ReluxTunnel  Add-on

Plan the adaptation lighting for your tunnel project.


ReluxObtrusiveLight  Add-on

Cover the entire normative spectrum of light emission.


ReluxEnergyCH  Add-on

Energy-conscious planning with the energy certificate according to SIA 387/4:2023.


Metaroom  App for iPhone

Digitise entire buildings with the Metaroom app (3D room Scanner) and plan in ReluxDesktop.



ReluxCAD for Revit  Plug-in

Enables lighting and sensor planning to be created directly in Autodesk Revit.

ReluxCAD for Revit

ReluxCAD for AutoCAD  Plug-in

Compile your lighting plan in AutoCAD.

ReluxCAD for AutoCAD

ReluxCAD for TinLine Plan  Plug-in

Compile your lighting and sensor plan in TinLine Plan.

ReluxCAD for TinLine Plan

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