ReluxTunnel -
Positioning the luminaires
Once you have generated a row of luminaires, it is possible to set the basic parameters for this row.
Once you have generated a row of luminaires, it is possible to set the basic parameters for this row.
To do this, you must mark the corresponding row of luminaires in the " Scene" bar .
The parameters will then be shown in the " Tunnel" bar , where you can change them.
In the " Illuminance type" input field, you can allocate the row of luminaires to interior or adaptation lighting.
Allocating the luminaire type to interior or adaptation lighting.
It is also possible to specify the luminaire coordinates and orientation angle, the number of luminaire rows, the distance between luminaires and the number of luminaires.
If a luminaire row is generated together with a number of other rows, these rows will automatically be synchronised (if the luminaire type or the coordinates are modified, for example).
Two options are available in the "In part list" input field. The list normal option means that the selected row of luminaires is listed in the luminaire part list.
The already listed option means that the selected row of luminaires is not listed.
This option is used, for example, in the case of a tunnel with two-way traffic where a Relux calculation is conducted for each tunnel portal.
Since the interior luminaires are taken into account for both calculations, they would be included in both luminaire part lists for the Relux projects and thus give an incorrect overall number of luminaires for the interior luminaires.
For this reason, the interior luminaires in the second Relux project will be defined with the already listed option.
Note: If a value of -1 is entered in the Number input field, the row of luminaires will be continued up to the end of the tunnel with the specified spacing of Delta.
Compiling a row of luminaires for the whole tunnel.
If you click on the
icon in the menu bar, the luminaire row will be shown in a list with details of the x-coordinate (distance from the tunnel portal), then distance (delta) from the preceding luminaire, the control group and the luminaire power/luminous flux of the lamp.
List view of the row of luminaires.
In the list view, you can make manual changes to all the listed parameters for each individual luminaire.
The x-coordinate and the distance from the preceding luminaire can be changed by entering individual values.
If a luminaire is to be moved by a specific value, it is also possible to position the cursor at the extreme right of the input field and then enter a plus or minus sign and the desired distance by which the luminaire is to be moved. The program will then calculate the new value automatically.
A displacement of 2 m is entered (upper image), and the automatically calculated new value then displayed (lower image).
It is only possible to change the control group and the luminaire power/luminous flux of the lamp if there are other options for these.
If only one control group or one luminaire type, for example, has been specified for the interior lighting, then it will not be possible to make any change.
If four luminaire types have been specified for the adaptation lighting, for instance, then the specified luminaire type can be replaced by one of the other three luminaire types.
It is also possible to change several luminaires at one and the same time. To do this, the desired input fields must be marked.
To mark an area, you should click to the left of the luminaire number on the first line to be marked, keep the left mouse button pressed and then move down, with the mouse, to the last line that you wish to mark.
To mark several sections, you should click to the left of the number of the first line to be marked and then mark further luminaires by simultaneously pressing the "CTRL" key and making further clicks with the left mouse button.
Marking one area (left) and several areas (right).
When you have selected one or more luminaires, you can use the following icons:
With the
icon, you can enter a copy of a selected luminaire.
With the
icon, you can delete the luminaire that you have selected.
icon activates move mode. You should mark the first luminaire to be moved and change its x-position and then, at the same time, all the subsequent luminaires will be similarly moved by the same amount.
You have to click on the
icon again to end the move mode.
If you wish to change the values in the input fields for more than one luminaire, you must mark the desired lines in the manner set out above,
press the "CTRL" key and simultaneously click on the input field that is to be changed.
You can then enter the new value, and this will then be adopted automatically for all the other input fields that are marked.
Marking more than one input field (upper) and changing the values (lower).
Overview of ReluxTunnel
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