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Starting from ReluxDesktop, version 2012.3, the specifications as well as “nominal values” of the following directives were implemented in the work sequence: 

EN 12464-1:2011, 12464-2:2007, or ASR 3/4:2011 (Germany only).

Similar to the road projects with their "evaluation classes", the user has now the simple option to assign a usage profile with defined nominal values to a scene. 

This option is available for indoor as well as outdoor systems.

Example project: Planning according to DIN EN 12464-1:2011

Already after project creation via the "Interior" menu item the usage profile can be selected via the "Edit nominal values" icon in the "Interior" menu window.

However, prior to that you can define the areas enclosing the space as follows: 

Room dimensions: L=6.0m x W=8.0m x H=2.80m. Rho: Floor=20%, Walls=50%, Ceiling=70% (default values).



In the "Edit nominal values" menu window, you can now find the list of interior areas, areas of visual tasks or areas of activities according to chapter 5.2 of EN 12464-1:2011. 

At the top of this menu window, the specifications of 12464-2:2007 (chapter 5: Listing of lighting requirements) or of ASR 3/4:2011 (Lighting requirements for work spaces, work stations and activities) can be optionally selected in the "Manage profiles" menu item. 

For this example profile 5.26 "Offices: Writing, typing, reading, data processing" should be selected. Close the "Edit nominal values" window by clicking on "OK".

When returning to the "Interior" menu window it can be seen that an evaluation pane was created in addition to the usage level.


In addition to the usage level, this evaluation pane contains additional measurement areas for walls and the ceiling of a scene as required in EN 12464-1:2011. 

If needed, these measurement areas can be deactivated in this menu window as well.

Usage profile according to EN 12464-1:2011

Clicking on "OK" closes the "Interior" window and you can observe the scene in the 3D view of ReluxDesktop. 

As it can be clearly seen, the illustrated example contains already six suspended lights in the scene. 

These lights were places after product selection using the "Easy Lux" command.

In the next step you can place four desks as a group in such a way that they meet at one location.

Notes: After right-clicking on the group, the "Centring" option can be selected from the context menu.

In the vertical "Objects" menu you can find an option called (visual) "Task area" under "Measurement elements"

By using drag and drop, you can place this visual task in the proximity of the desks. 

After you set the snap grid: dX, dY and dZ distance to 0.1 cm each, you can comfortably place the visual task such that it overlaps with the group of desks. 

Length and width are adjusted by sliding the "handles" or red dots, which become visible, if you mark the visual task.

The area of the visual task in the central area of the measurement object is supplemented by the immediate surrounding area with a width of 0.5m. 

The usage level, which spans the entire room with a distance to the walls of 0.5 m, is now automatically the background area

By the way, this terminology is adapted from EN 12464-1:2011. 


Now, open the calculation manager, determine the maintenance factor and start the calculation. As soon as the calculation is finished, click on the Result overview icon.

Result overview in ReluxDesktop

Calculation results

As can be seen in the last figure the result overview has been significantly extended with ReluxDesktop. 

As already mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the calculation results are shown, as well as the values requested and/or recommended 

by the standard to the right of the results in brackets.

These values correspond to the profile from table 5.26 "Office: Writing, typing, reading, data processing”, which you defined when creating the scene. 

The nominal values for this case are shown in the following table.

Note: The UGR classification of the lighting system is realized in the result overview according to the Table Method of the CIE Unified Glare Rating process, 

as the calculation according to the UGR formula, which is supported in ReluxDesktop, may not generate any loadable results (compare to DIN EN 12464-1:2011).

However, the Table Method has its limitations. The UGR value cannot be printed in all cases. 

If one of the following boundary conditions is not met, the UGR value is not shown on the result overview.

1.      The scene must be rectangular or at least "almost rectangular".

2.      One light type only may be used in the scene.

3.      The scene must have a usage level (for the calculation of the scene dimensions, e.g. "4H 8H"). 

         This can for example be the respective usage level within the evaluation area.

4.      The lights must be at the same height above the usage level and must show maximum scattering of +/- 5cm (height difference).

5.      Lights must be placed in the scene. Otherwise, no artificial light calculation is possible.

6.      The lights must be suitable for an UGR evaluation. For example, combination lights with several light outlets do not meet this criterion.
