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3339 Ansichten

In the Luminaire selection / Symbols dialog window, you can import additional information on the luminaire, providing this is available in the Relux library.

In the To clipboard field you can copy the corresponding luminaire information into the clipboard with the Copy picture and Copy profile buttons. 

After this, you should close the dialog window and click on the Insert button in AutoCAD.

The picture or the luminaire profile will appear, together with a dialog window entitled OLE Properties

This window can be used to format the object that has been inserted and, after this, the object can be freely adapted to the layout of the drawing.

Under the To clipboard …button, select which luminaire profile you desire.

In the To clipboard field click on the ‘…’ button in order to align the composition of the luminaire profile to your requirements. 

In the Luminaire profile dialog window, select the information blocks that the inserted profile is to contain by activating or deactivating the control box and confirm with OK.
