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The new ReluxDesktop now also includes the possibility of viewing several scenes of a floor simultaneously.  

New project “CAD Import”

As in the previous example, click the option “CAD Import” and follow these seven steps with a change in Step 3:

Step 1: Enter project data

Step 3 (for interior projects only): Set the type of the interior project (in this case, floor)

Step 4: Select a file (*.dwg or *.dxf)

Step 4: Set the scale (often 1000/m for interior and 1/m for exterior installations)

Step 5: Rotate the drawing (requires knowledge of drawing, otherwise continue)

Step 6: Define the origin (requires knowledge of drawing, otherwise continue)

Step 7: Capture the actual Relux scene

Set the type of the interior project

All steps with exception step 3; are similar to importing of single rooms; therefore, these are not described again in this chapter.

Draw the scene.

By double-clicking or using the "Enter" key complete entering the scene geometry. 

The Properties window opens automatically if you press the "Ctrl" button simultaneously.

Note: When you draw the first scene of a project, a floor is automatically created, into which the following scenes are integrated.

The dialog box "Properties" for a scene has been revised and is now divided ReluxDesktop 2017) into five areas, which can be optionally edited: 

1. Standard (name) 

2. Scene (Type, Height)

3. Evaluation area (Setpoints, Measuring surfaces) 

4. Structure (Coordinates of the vertices) 

5. Material (reflectance).



    Properties tab “Standard”             Properties tab “Scene”        Properties tab “Evaluation area”     Properties tab “Structure”         Properties tab “Material”

Once a second scene has been created, the sidebar “Project” of the objects or control centre looks like as shown in the following figure.

All Floors and rooms / scenes are listed in a clear tree structure.

2D view on scene level

3D View on floor level. All scenes shown are now visible.

Floor plan view on floor level

Once all the scenes of the floor have been created, an office workstation lamp will now be inserted into any scene. 

However, the usual insert function does not work in the floor level view.

The following message will appear: 

“The selected action can only be performed in the Scene View. Using F8, or by double clicking the scene you can change into the Scene View”.

In the Scene View, you can continue to plan the scene as usual (insert lamp, insert windows, insert furniture paste, and so on).

Using F8, or by clicking on the toolbar button “Project” the plan view is displayed again on floor level. 

A right-click on the desired scene opens a context menu with the option “Calculate”.

Floor plan view on floor level

Calculated and uncalculated rooms can now be viewed in parallel in the 3D view. 

This presentation provides a quick overview of the status (calculated / uncalculated) of individual scenes.

A right-click on the desired scene opens the above-mentioned context menu, which also includes the option “Properties”

Here too, various parameters of the scene and the setpoints can be customized at any time.

The floor level has its own summary of results, which provides a quick overview of the most important calculation results:

Green: the luminance (Em) specified among the setpoints and the recommended uniformity (Uo) were achieved for this scene.

Red: the luminance (Em) specified among the setpoints and the recommended uniformity (Uo) were not achieved for this scene.

Yellow: A calculation result for this scene is available, but no setpoints have been set for the scene.

White: No calculation result is available for this scene.
