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The existing room elements for indoor rooms (windows, skylights, doors and pictures) have been extended and enhanced. 

This section describes the points that have been implemented here.

Windows and doors, etc. have traditionally been defined by their length and width in Relux, i.e. they have been rectangular. 

These shapes have been extended by circular, semi-circular and polygonal shapes. The next figure shows the new shapes that are now possible.

From left to right: rectangular-, circular-, semi-circular-, polygonal windows.

Additional geometry

Well-versed Relux users will be familiar with the option of adding window frames and window sills, etc. from our raytracing engine.

The raytracer has been capable of calculating an additional geometry for a long time. This additional geometry can fundamentally now be used in Relux as well. 

It can be accessed and adjusted via the property window for the room element in question.

Settings for the additional geometry of a window.

The geometry of the frame can be edited via the properties window for the windows, doors, or pictures and relates to all the geometries which point to the same reference. This additional geometry is comparable with a library object. It is naturally still possible to administer a number of different additional geometries.

If a window has an additional geometry, then the window-bar factor is superfluous, since the bars are already taken into account in the calculation through the additional geometry. For this reason, this factor is set on 1.0 if an additional geometry is allocated to the window and is blocked in the dialogue.

Rotation of the wall objects

With skylights, in particular, planners would frequently like to be able to rotate these around their z-axis. This can now be done via the dialogue or interactively in the 2D/3D view.

Depiction of a realistic wall jamb

The window is placed in the middle of the wall. The thickness of the walls and ceilings and hence the position of the window can be set in the default settings.

This gives rise to a wall jamb on both the inside and the outside wall. The material for the jamb is identical to the material for the inside or outside wall.

Design of wall elements / drawing windows

Polygonal windows and doors can also be constructed or drawn interactively on the screen using the mouse. 

To do this, you should select the tool for constructing windows via menu "Insert" -> "Room object" -> "Window"

You should then proceed as follows:

Activate the "Construct window" tool.

Select a wall on which the window is to be constructed. Via 3D or in the scene tree.

Draw the describing polygon on this wall.
