Since February 1998, Relux Informatik AG, Switzerland, has been an established company that has specialised in the development of lighting planning and product presentation software for 25 years. Relux longstanding experience of the market enables to offer customer-specific developments and assist manufacturers in an advisory capacity. Since 2010, the company has been an independently-run, family company.
Please have a look at our history, learn more about our culture by navigating through our timeline. By clicking on one date, you will learn more about us.
The very first version of Relux has then been presented in 1993 at the Ineltec fair in Basel. One year later, four luminaire manufacturers Regent, Fluora, Tulux, and BAG integrated their data into Relux and started distributing it.
In the year 1998, Relux Informatik AG has been officially founded in Basel. Its shareholders are the Regent, Fluora & Tulux companies. Markus Hegi is in charge of company management.
Markus Hegi measures the light intensity of the room - Basel (1998)
After that, the software went under further development, for example with the updated ReluxProf in 2007 with the multicore calculation which enables rapid light calculation and significant time savings.
In 2010 the main shareholders Regent, Fluora, and Tulux sold their company shares to Markus Hegi.
Back in 2010 in Bratislava at the Elektro Expo, Relux won the first prize for the most innovative product with its ReluxTunnel. Here in the picture below to be seen (from left to right) Pavol Hornak, Markus Hegi, and Klaus Heiss. Prof. Pavol Hornák, the founder of the Lighting Engineering Department at the Bratislava University of Technology, compared the software with actual tunnel measurements and achieved excellent results. The correctness of the calculation was a prerequisite for the price nomination.
Prof. Pavol Hornak, Markus Hegi, and Klaus Heiss - Bratislava (2010)
And then ReluxSuite was made available for Windows 7.
By 2013 Relux had 15 full-time employees and worked with distributors from England, Italy, Holland, Greece, Scandinavia, Korea, Hong Kong, and South East Asia.
In 2014, the sensNORM association is founded on the initiative of Relux.
Relux has moved its company location to Münchenstein, Switzerland.
ReluxSuite 2014 was made available for Windows 8 and was available on DVD for the last time.
In 2018, ReluxCAD for Revit got published, marking the first product in the world to have a bidirectional interface to BIM. In the same year, as Rebecca Hegi joined the company and took over the finance, administration, and HR business fields, Relux became a family company.
ReluxCAD for Revit Add-on, interface with false colour view
End of 2020 Relux launched its ReluxThirdParty, making a clear statement in the lighting industry. Imported luminaires from non-RELUX member manufacturers are now only displayed anonymously. By purchasing a license, anonymization is removed.
Thus, Relux training went digital and re-launched a series of platform-based online courses.
Moreover, ReluxAnalyse and ReluxPIM support industry needs in a more effective way.
In the last couple of years, the RELUX family grew by over 20%.
Relux team at the member event FUTURE of Light 2022
«RELUX is investing in new technologies and employees. Automation in planning and GLDF (Global Lighting Data Format) are two investments of this kind.»
Markus Hegi, CEO Relux Informatik AG
In 2023, the topics such as the new data format GLDF, and transparent as well as efficient planning processes for light and sensor simulation will keep Relux and other players on the market entertained. Relux team is proud to develop these tools and constantly improve them for its customers under the motto "Best software for intelligent lighting solutions". The automation topic is for sure something that will challenge us and open doors to undreamed possibilities.
«RELUX, with its five business segments, stands for holistic processes. These main
segments are data, respectively products and services, together with their digital twins, simulation and planning, conducted with the help of brute force and AI technologies, commerce with analysis tools for tenders and purchasing and maintenance with the procurement of information for mounting, maintenance and dismantling.»